If Dr. Greenhill, Dr. Jennison or Dr. Britt have recommended dental treatment for your child to be performed using IV sedation/general anesthesia with Pediatric Dental Anesthesia Associates (PDAA), the following information will help you in your preparation for the appointment.

Dr. Simoneau is Board Certified in both anesthesiology and pediatric anesthesiology. She will provide anesthesia services for your child while Dr. Greenhill, Dr. Jennison or Dr. Britt perform the dental procedures. This service is provided at the Union Pediatric Dentistry office in Union, KY.

In order to better care for your child and to maximize safety, Dr. Simoneau has arranged a protocol as follows:

Day of Procedure Instructions:


Failure to follow these instructions may result in delay or cancellation of your child's procedure.

  • NO SOLID FOOD, MILK, OR FORMULA for 6 hours before the procedure.
  • CLEAR LIQUIDS (water, juice, Jello, popsicles, Gatorade) are allowed up to 3 HOURS before the procedure.
  • For your child's safety, parents are not allows in the treatment room during IV Sedation.
  • You should remain in the office during the entire treatment in case we need to consult with you.
  • If your child develops a cough, fever, or has any health changes prior to the procedure, please call our office.
  • A child's dental treatment plan is an estimate and the time required may change.  Please be available by telephone for changes to your child's appointment time.
  • After arrival, your child will be checked in, given an opportunity to use the restroom, and prepared for anesthesia.  Recovery usually takes 20-30 minutes.
  • After you leave the office, you will be responsible for your child's safety.  Use seat belts/carseats.  Your child's balance and coordination can be affected for 1-4 hours.
  • Bring another adult with you to help if possible.

Plan to arrive at the office 30 minutes before the appointment. We strive to keep appointments on time, but just like with any surgery the appointment time should be considered a guideline. It is not uncommon for one patient's appointment to be longer than anticipated and this might cause some delays in start times for subsequent patients. Do not hesitate to ask questions. Our goal is to provide a safe and pleasant experience for both you and your child.

What to do and what to expect on the day of your appointment:

  • For most children, your child will be receiving the N2O (laughing gas) or “sleepy air”. Your child will pick out toys to help distract them from the procedure.  Sedation is then started in the intravenous line.

  • While your child is sedated, he/she will be monitored with the same equipment as used in a hospital setting (EKG, blood pressure, respiratory status, oxygen level). In addition, oxygen will be given. Dr. Greenhill, Dr. Jennison or Dr. Britt will administer any local anesthetic that is necessary. Your child will take a “nap” while the dental work is being done.

  • At the end of the dental procedures, your child will wake up. He/she will still be drowsy and drunk-like. Most children wake up smoothly. However, it is normal for some children to be fussy. You will be able to hold your child during this time. Soon, you and your child will be able to go home. You will be discharged when your child can talk and stand up with help.

  • When you arrive home your child can sleep but not in the bedroom where they cannot be seen. He or she should be in a room like the living room where you can watch him/her.

  • At home, start with clear liquids, like Gatorade, Kool-aid, 7-up or apple juice. Avoid dairy and plain water for a few hours. Gingerale has natural anti-nausea properties. Soft food can be added next. Later, your child can progress to a regular meal as tolerated.

  • For the remainder of the day, do not let your child do activities that require coordination like riding a bike, climbing, swimming, sledding etc.

Please ask any questions that you or your child have. We want this to be a safe and pleasant experience for both you and your child.

