Essential Tooth Tips for the Parents of Infants & Toddlers

October 22nd, 2015

Infact tooth care

More than 40% of children have cavities by the time they reach kindergarten.  In fact, The CDC reports that tooth decay is the most common preventable disease in children and while the cavity rate in children of older age groups has been slowly declining, the rise in cavities among those under 5 is actually increasing. Unfortunately parents often wait too long to begin a routine of oral care and to start caring for emerging teeth.  Here are five essential tips to get your child started on the right path:

1. Make oral care a part of a daily routine.

Getting into a daily habit of taking care of your child's mouth as soon as possible will increase the likely-hood that you (and eventually your child) will keep up this healthy practice once teeth appear.

2. Use a washcloth to clean your child's mouth before teeth arrive.

While using a brush isn't advisable on infant gums and toothpaste isn’t needed before teeth emerge, using a soft wet washcloth gently wiped over gums twice a day is a great way to begin a regular oral routine for your child. This will help to keep bacteria at bay and will also keep your child's gums healthy.

3. As teeth arrive, use the correct toothbrush.

When the first teeth start to show up (usually around 6 months, but this can vary greatly from child to child), use a toothbrush specifically designed for babies. These brushes have smaller heads for smaller mouths and very soft bristles to avoid damaging sensitive gums. Brush your child’s teeth until he or she is able to brush properly themselves.  You will also want to pay close attention to the type of toothpaste you choose.  Use only a "smear" for very young children and a pea sized amount of toothpaste as they grow older.  Young children have trouble not swallowing toothpaste, so keep the amount minimal and consider using fluoride free toothpaste until your child has learned not to swallow when brushing.

4. Know what tooth decay looks like.

Be aware of the signs of baby tooth decay (spots or pits on teeth) and stay up to date on dental exams.

5. Establish a dental home.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends establishing a "dental home" by age one or when the first tooth appears, whichever occurs first. A dental home is a practice that you and your child are familiar with and have established a relationship with the dentist. Finding a practice that you trust early in your child's life will allow the dentist to catch potential issues before they become bigger problems.

We would love to be your child's dental home!  Call us for an appointment today!

Four Surprising Foods That are Bad for Teeth (Part One)

February 7th, 2013

fruit puree bad for teeth

February is National Dental Health Month, so Dr. Greenhill and the Union Pediatric Dentistry team decided to put together a series of blog posts that cover four surprising foods that are bad for teeth.  The first one is a recent food trend that may not be as healthy as it seems.

The recent trend of squeezable, pureed fruit has put fruit and vegetable pouches in the hands of millions of toddlers and young children.  The packets come in a multitude of tasty combinations and are often labeled as organic or all natural.  And while having your children eat pureed fruits and vegetables is a better alternative to other convenient snacks, they may not be as tooth friendly as you would think.

First, the packets are very high in sugar.  Gerber’s organic apple puree has 11 grams of sugar, for example.  And other flavors contain as much as 20 grams of the sweet stuff.  That’s as much as a carb conscious adult’s daily allowance.

Paul Casamassimo, research director for the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, told NPR in a recent piece they did on squeezable fruit, that the “constant exposure of sugar on their teeth is detrimental.” He worries that beyond the occasional snack, parents might be tempted to let their child walk around with the pouches.

Squeezable fruit is also different than a simple piece of fruit in that it is concentrated and lacks much of the fiber that normal fruit has.  This concentration causes a lot of food to come packaged in a small serving.  The texture of these foods tends to stay on teeth longer, giving bacteria more time to grow.

Unless parents are active in making sure that their children brush twice a day and rinse with water after eating, children who frequently consume these snacks run a greater risk of cavities.  That means it’s more important than ever to stay vigilant in the fight for healthy smiles!
